By The Mighty Fliggerty (aka Dracostar)
The Vvardenfell Druglord, by Fliggerty. if you ask me this is the best "morrowind underground" mod I've seen. Finally a GOOD mod about the dark side of morrowind, and also a great add-on for morrowind because this adds one of the things I've always wanted in morrowind. A tool or a machine to make skooma! I think that is one of the few things that should have been made in original morrowind, but it was not so this mod is a one of a kind (of course there have been made other skooma mods but noone as good as this one) and it is a must have for your "evil" character in morrowind. Although it is not for everyone, it is not avalible for low level char (20 - ) because it involves fighting with tough enemies and it costs alot of money. Here is some out of the redme that followed with the mod, it describes the game pretty well and covers all the important things about Vvardenfell Druglord.
"A series of quests involving the operation of an illegal skooma lab. This
mod involves the skooma production process, the political aspects of becoming
a druglord, and the legal problems involved.
This mod was originally intended to be an "entrepenuer/business" mod, but managed
to become a lot more. After all the quests are done, you have the option to automate
the lab, making it entirely self sufficient...all you have to do is stop every once in
a while and collect your money."
This is the basics of this mods, although i find it to be much more than just a business/quest mod, it opens a whole new community in morrowind, the skooma underground, all the big druglords and their conflights. Realy a great mod, Good job Fliggerty.
Here is the link to download it.
Vvardenfell Druglord at Morrowind Summit
This mod was originally created by The Mighty Fliggerty (aka Dracostar) but he would like to thank some others for help. This here is also from the readme.
"Too many right now. Still compiling the list.
But to start it off:
Anubis: making the original Skooma Lab mod that was the basis of the inspiration.
GrayskiesRooster: play testing and some great suggestions!
Enmasharra: some amazing scripting help.
Niddler: some scripting help
Qarl: borrowed a head and some hair
Schwaa: borrowed a potion texture and mesh
Maxim: Skooma Addiction 2.0, inspiration and borrowed scripts.
Dave Humphrey: came to my rescue with scripting help when I just couldn't get a PC addicted!
More to come"
But I would like to thank all those and specially Fliggerty for this great mod, Can't wait for your next mod, GREAT job.